Outlier Detection

Consider the student exam scores scenario which contains some outliers

IQR method

  • This method identifies outliers based on the quartiles of the data.

  • It is more resistant to outliers than the mean-based methods like Z-score, making it better suited for skewed data like exam scores where a few high scores can significantly impact the mean.

Z-score method

  • This method identifies outliers based on their standard deviation from the mean.

  • However, it can be influenced by outliers itself, leading to inaccurate outlier detection when the data is skewed.

  • In this scenario, the presence of a few high scores can inflate the standard deviation, potentially masking other outliers or misidentifying valid data points as outliers.

# outlier treatment
def remove_outliers_zscore(df, threshold=2): #(considering 2 std.dev away from mean approx 95% of data)
    Remove outliers from a DataFrame using the Z-score method.

        df (DataFrame): The input DataFrame.
        threshold (float): The Z-score threshold for identifying outliers.
                           Observations with a Z-score greater than this threshold
                           will be considered as outliers.

        DataFrame: The DataFrame with outliers removed.
    # Calculate Z-scores for numerical columns
    z_scores = (df[numerical_cols] - df[numerical_cols].mean()) / df[numerical_cols].std()

    # Identify outliers
    outliers = np.abs(z_scores) > threshold

    # Keep non-outliers for numerical columns
    df_cleaned = df[~outliers.any(axis=1)]

    return df_cleaned

cleaned_df = remove_outliers_zscore(df1)
def clip_outliers_zscore(df, threshold=2):
    Clip outliers in a DataFrame using the Z-score method.

        df (DataFrame): The input DataFrame.
        threshold (float): The Z-score threshold for identifying outliers.
                           Observations with a Z-score greater than this threshold
                           will be considered as outliers.

        DataFrame: The DataFrame with outliers clipped.
    # Calculate Z-scores for numerical columns
    z_scores = (df[numerical_cols] - df[numerical_cols].mean()) / df[numerical_cols].std()

    # Clip outliers
    clipped_values = df[numerical_cols].clip(df[numerical_cols].mean() - threshold * df[numerical_cols].std(),
                                             df[numerical_cols].mean() + threshold * df[numerical_cols].std(),

    # Assign clipped values to original DataFrame
    df_clipped = df.copy()
    df_clipped[numerical_cols] = clipped_values

    return df_clipped

clipped_df = clip_outliers_zscore(df1)

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